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Wedding Gallery

Wedding Day




“Don’t be afraid to take a photo that isn’t understood.
Take it just because you love art”

Marco Sabatini

Marco Sabatini was born in Florence in 1973, discovered photography as a teenager and over time became passionate about it until he decided to make it his life.
In the room that his mother used to sew clothes, he began is photography studio and dressmaker’s mannequin was his first model. Fascinated by the management of light, Marco experimented and studied how to manage it, to make it colder or warmer, to put what he wanted in shadow or light. In that room he took 30,000 photographs and from this solitary experience, Marco acquired, in addition to technique, a particular sensitivity, soon moving from the dressmaker’s mannequin to people.
He dedicates himself to fashion and works in the field of fashion shows, which he himself defines as a great photographic gym, because the photo shoots of fashion shows are complex and unrepeatable, but they help you a lot to grow and think about what should or should not be in the frame, in the little time you have available.

Over time he approached wedding photography, a sector in which he decided to focus, definitively abandoning fashion. A challenge that he takes up with enthusiasm because wedding services are always different and characterized by an aspect that fascinates him, the human relationship created between photographer and couple. Different wedding services, with an inclination towards fashion, a sector from which he comes and which he finds during the shoot on the wedding day.
He is not afraid to take different photos, perhaps not what we are used to seeing in weddings, but his clients choose him precisely for this reason.

When you talk to Marco about weddings, strangely he doesn’t talk about how to take photographs of that wedding, he talks about the human aspect of the couple, the psychological aspect of that day. She firmly maintains that it is a day in which the protagonist is not just the couple, but the emotions that accompany the couple and all the participants. The photographer must understand this, he must have a sensitivity that goes beyond the shot. Marco aims to immediately empathize with the couple. If you ask Marco: and the photos? The communication of the photo is the result between the photographer and the couple, worry about establishing a human relationship, understand them and above all make sure that they can trust you. The photos will come out on their own!

The good fortune of residing and working in Tuscany, a land appreciated and sought after by foreigners, has allowed Marco to have work experience with clients of different cultures such as English, Americans, Swiss, Russians, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Japanese, Brazilians and Indians, enriching the personal profile on human relationships.

Over the years he has also worked outside Italy such as Switzerland, France, Portugal and the United States.
Talking about the experiences you lived abroad does not hide the emotions and satisfaction you felt.
Leaving your work mark in other countries, even if symbolic, gives you an enormous emotion.
The photographer remains with the couple for life. When the spouses, even after 10,20 or 30 years, look back at their wedding photos, they will automatically remember the photographer. And this is why the human aspect takes on an important form, after years I would say indelible.

He currently lives in Florence, but works both in Italy and abroad.

Marco Sabatini